Historical ofJavanese Indonesian Batik Designs

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facts about Batik

On 5:10 PM


Wastra batik art developed in the palaces of Java. Patterns and motifs designed the palace, then flowered batik business outside the palace walls. Of interest and the market breadth, appears batik merchants.

The extent of the use of batik making party Wastra court issued a ban on the public to use a number of patterns and motifs by the community.

Both the court of Surakarta and Yogyakarta, this rule is relatively the same. Decorations forbidden in principle diagonal print. Some scientists attribute this to the impact of design or a diagonal slash. Until now, a taboo in the community to use machetes Solo damaged barong, cemukiran, and udan lyrical. In Yogyakarta, damaged barong machete is also a restriction pattern, other than aircraft and cement gundha great. Masihh there are many variations of patterns that should only be used kings and certain circles within the walls of the palace.

Among the people themselves is prohibited to use a certain pattern in a certain time. In a traditional wedding ceremony in Central Java, for example, damaged a machete motive would never wear a wedding, because it indirectly as the user expects the marriage will be damaged or destroyed. Likewise with machete suspect (based form keris stilasi) are considered to be too sharp and dangerous for the wedding day bliss.
Unique in West Java, this prohibition does not apply. Many times guests from Central Java was amazed watching the couple in West Java bride wore a patterned Wastra damaged or machete, machete machete form other at the wedding.

In a traditional Javanese wedding ceremony outside the palace walls, the bride and groom wore a batik-print sido mukti so good luck toward them (sido mukti means "may you prosper). Another variation in the pattern is the motive sido sido sublime ( "I hope you are exalted), sido compassion (may you be glorified) and wirasat sido ( 'bode well'). Sido designs are usually made sawitan (pairs) for the husband and wife.batik

In Central Java, for the funeral, people generally prefer dark batik Wastra, such as a patterned slobog or ferns. The concept of color is different from the concept adopted by the Chinese community in Indonesia using the white color to express grief or mourning. In Wastra batik, white color combined with a soft blue to a dull tone, but the bright blue-sharp avoided. For the Chinese bride, Wastra blue and white batik with swan motif. Blue and white symbol of mourning for the bride will leave her parents' house, while the swan is a symbol of happiness in marriage. There is also a batik pattern that is believed to be refused reinforcements, crime or disease. Another feature of the pie from Indramayu which is believed to have the power to cure disease. Similarly, the motif grimace from Central Java and East Java, which comes from the combination of word gering (pain) and sing (negative).

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